Cut, Copy and Paste and Formatting,

Cut, Copy and Paste

If you would like to remove text from your document you can copy or cut the text
from the document. Simply highlight the text and go to the Home tab in the
Clipboard group and click Cut or Copy. You can also right click on your mouse
and select Cut or Copy.
Pasting Text
If you Copy text, you typically need to Paste it somewhere. The Paste feature in
2010 is much more detailed than in previous versions of Word. When you paste content, the Paste
Options button provides different options, depending on the source of the content.
Keep Source Formatting: This option preserves the look of the original text.
Keep Text Only: This option removes all the original formatting from the text.
Link & Keep Source Formatting: This option preserves the look of the original text, and it
maintains a link to the source file and updates the pasted text with any changes that are made to the
source file.Link & Use Destination Styles: This option formats the text to match the style that’s applied where
the text is pasted. It also maintains a link to the source file and updates the pasted text with any
changes that are made to the source file.
Merge Formatting: This option changes the formatting so that it matches the text that surrounds it.
Picture: This option inserts the text as an image.
Use Destination Styles: This option formats the text to match the style that’s applied where the text
is pasted.
Use Destination Theme: This option formats the text to match the theme that’s applied to the
document where the text is pasted.
To Paste, click on the area you want your information to be inserted and either go to the Home tab in the
Clipboard group and click Paste or right click on your mouse and select Paste.
The Quick Access Toolbar holds a variety of commands right at you finger tips. It is located in the top
left of the document above the File and Home tab.
You can add or remove command by clicking on the arrow
to the right of the Quick Access Toolbar.
If you make an error in your document click on the Undo command and it will remove the last
thing you did.
Show/Hide Formatting Marks
The Show/Hide command allows you to see every time you hit the space bar, hit enter or tab. This
feature can be quite useful when creating documents to understand where everything is placed within
your document and see if any errors have been made.
On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click

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